Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

Benefits of Roses

Benefits of Roses . Roses are usually used as a decorative flower , it turns memunyai many health benefits . Cerpen cinta One of the properties can cure bad breath . The benefits include among others :
Benefits of Roses Benefits of Roses Benefits of Roses Addressing Swelling in Legs Roses have benefits as overcome swelling in the legs , the way you please take 2-3 roses and added 30gram sembung and washed clean . Then boiled with 600ml water and drinking water with 2 times a day . Body freshness Can maintain the freshness of the body , such as the healthy eyes and teeth cleaning . Foodstuffs Enhancer In the fragrant scent , roses have kandunga vitamin C is high enough . So , you can add bawar interest in food and drinks that you create . Hair Health The content of the roses can help to overcome the problem of damage to the hair and can care for healthy hair . Penulis Imut beautify Skin The rose has a fat content of omega 3 and omega 6 which can be useful for skin health , so they can have beautiful skin and soft . reduce Stress The scent of roses that can relieve uncomfortable so stressed that you can encounter back in a state of calm . Even ancient Roman society as a medicine utilizing roses despresi Source: http://kesehatan96.blogspot.com/2013/04/manfaat-bunga-mawar.html # ixzz2pp0HiiPk

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